Eco: A Freshness Tag Revolutionizing Food Storage

Zeyuan Zhang's Innovative Design Helps Consumers Determine Egg Quality

How often have you wondered about the freshness of an egg? Zeyuan Zhang's award-winning design, Eco, provides an intuitive solution to this common problem, revolutionizing food storage with a simple, yet innovative freshness tag.

Derived from the concept of a chemical indicator, Zhang's Eco freshness tag changes color according to the quality of the egg. The tag, which is a one-direction carbon dioxide chemical indicator, changes its color based on the amount of carbon dioxide emitted from the egg. This unique feature allows consumers to easily identify the freshness of an egg, with green indicating freshness, yellow representing staleness, and red signaling a bad egg.

There are currently no simple and effective solutions to check the quality of an egg. Often, eggs are stored for long periods until they are opened, leading to potential food waste. The Eco tag offers a straightforward solution to this issue, allowing consumers to prioritize the consumption of less fresh eggs and identify spoiled eggs before they contaminate other ingredients.

The Eco tag is health-free and does not contaminate the egg. The tag is made by depositing a mixture of a carbon dioxide sensitive indicator and stabilizer onto a paper-based tag using a printer. This tag is then stamped onto the surface of the egg, acting as a freshness indicator.

The design of the Eco tag was inspired by the need to reduce food waste, a significant issue in today's society. Research shows that approximately 34% of food is wasted daily due to over storage. A significant reason for this waste is that consumers cannot determine the freshness of food items, such as eggs, from their appearance. The Eco tag addresses this issue, providing a simple and effective solution to a common problem.

Zhang's Eco tag was awarded the Silver A' Packaging Design Award in 2019, a testament to its innovative design and potential to revolutionize food storage. The award recognizes top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation. Zhang's design certainly fits this description, offering a unique solution to a common problem and potentially reducing food waste.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: ZEYUAN ZHANG
Image Credits: All photo credits to Zeyuan ZHANG
Project Team Members: Designer: Zeyuan ZHANG Advisor: Dr. Xu SUN
Project Name: Eco
Project Client: ZEYUAN ZHANG

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